Your first Library card at the Del Norte County Library is free to residents of Del Norte County with a permanent local address. Once you get your card you must have it with you in order to check out library materials. When you sign a library card application, you are agreeing to return borrowed materials on time and to be responsible for any lost or damaged materials.
To Apply:
Your library card brings you many benefits:
Replacement Library Card: If your library card is ever lost or stolen, please notify the library as soon as possible. There is a $3.00 fee if you would like a replacement library card.
An Easy Access Library card is available to Del Norte County residents who have picture ID and who cannot currently provide address verification. (A parent or legal guardian must sign the application for anyone under the age of 14.) Patrons with this type of card may use library Internet computers, in-house laptops, and have full access to all online databases and services. Easy Access cards also allow for the checkout of up to three (3) physical items. Up to three (3) holds may be placed with Easy Access cards. Easy Access cards expire after one year. When you sign a library card application, you are agreeing to return borrowed materials on time and to be responsible for any lost or damaged materials.
Limited Use Library cards are available for adults who live out of Del Norte County. (A parent or legal guardian must sign the application for anyone under the age of 14.) These cards allow the user to borrow up to five (5) items at a time and use other library resources. A deposit of $45.00 is required for a Limited Use Library card and will be returned to you upon your departure from Del Norte County.
Del Norte County Library District
190 Price Mall, Crescent City, California 95531, United States