Marie Jondal (2024)
Andrew Napier (2025)
Jamie Daugherty(2025)
Meaghan McGlasson (2025)
If you would like to contact a board member please call the library at (707) 464-9793 or mail any correspondence to the Del Norte County Library, 190 Price Mall, Crescent City, CA 95531.
The five-member Board of Trustees governs the Del Norte County Library District. Board members are elected to four-year terms under the terms of the California Election Code. Although members are elected at-large, geographic representation within the county-wide service area is welcomed. During general elections, candidacy may be declared with the Del Norte County Registrar of Voters.
The DNCL Board of Trustees sets policy for library services throughout the District guided by the DNCL Mission Statement. The Board also hires and holds accountable the DNCL Library Manager. Phyllis Goodeill is the Library Manager. Feel free to contact her directly at
Public Meeting Policy
Enabling legislation provides for election, powers and duties of trustees, reporting on revenues and disbursements and other matters (California Education Code Sec.19400 et seq.). The Library Board follows the rules of the Brown Act, California Statement of Economic Interests Disclosure, and the State of California Special Districts Financial Reports including an annual audit.
The Del Norte County Library District is currently seeking a board member who is committed to serving the community through open and equal access to cultural, intellectual, and informational resources. A board member’s primary responsibility is to set the budget and vote on policies to align with our mission, vision, and values.
Board Member Responsibilities:
Desired Skills and Experiences: More than one of these requirements is preferred:
Interested candidates, please submit a letter of interest and resume to Deadline for applications open till filled.
Application for Trustee
Responsibilities: The board of library trustees shall make and enforce all rules, regulations, and bylaws necessary for the administration, government, and protection of the library under its management, and all property belonging to the Del Norte County Library District. California Education Code § 19460
Trustee term of office is from the last Friday in November following election for four years.
In the event of a trustee resigning, the Trustees will recommend to the Board of Supervisors a person to serve the remaining term of the trustee who resigned. The Board of Supervisors appoints the replacement trustee.
The appointment is for a term expiring in _____________.
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
City, Zip: ___________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________________________________________________________
Email: _____________________________________________________________________________
Please attach to this application, (a) separate sheet(s) of paper, providing the following information:
Return to Trustees, Del Norte County Library District, 190 Price Mall, Crescent City, CA 95531.
Applications due:
Del Norte County Library District
190 Price Mall, Crescent City, California 95531, United States