Board meetings are held in person and virtually every second Monday at 5:15 p.m. See pertaining agenda for the web link.
Public Comment: ANY MEMBER OF THE AUDIENCE MAY ADDRESS THE BOARD ON ANY MATTER EITHER ON OR OFF THE AGENDA THAT IS WITHIN THE BOARD’S JURISDICTION. Public comment on items of interest to the public, within the subject matter jurisdiction of the committee and not otherwise appearing on the agenda are accepted. Note, however, that the Library Board is not able to undertake extended discussion or act on non-agendized items. Such items can be referred to staff for appropriate action, which may include placement on a future agenda. If you intend to address a subject that is on the Agenda, please hold your comments regarding that item until we get to it so that we may properly address all comments on that subject at the same time. After receiving recognition from the Chair, speakers, please limit your comments to three (3) minutes. A CLOSED SESSION may be called at any time during a meeting, as permitted by the 1994 Ralph M. Brown Act for the following purposes: pending litigation (Sec. 9495639), personnel (Sec. 54957), labor negotiations (Sec. 54957.6) or any other exceptions to open session as described by the Act. Anyone requiring reasonable accommodation to participate in the meeting should contact the Library Manager at (707) 464-9793 at least five (5) days prior to the meeting.
Please contact us to access older minutes and/or recordings.
Del Norte County Library District
190 Price Mall, Crescent City, California 95531, United States